Selecting Compare

Use this feature to compare the cost of repairing a part against the cost of replacing the part with OEM, Reconditioned, Aftermarket, Optional OEM, and Recycled parts. When you select are placement part option, the program updates your estimate and adjusts all hour and dollar amounts.

To select Compare

  1. Open or create the workfile, and select a standard vehicle in the Vehicle tab.
  2. Select the Estimate tab, and then select the Lines tab.
  3. Select the MOTOR tab, and then select a group, a subgroup, and a part from the database panel.
  4. Select Compare from the operations toolbar. The Estimate Line Properties screen opens.
  5. Select Yes or No to any refinishing notes. The Estimate Line Properties sheet opens, with the Comparison tab selected automatically.
  6. From the Part Type column, select the corresponding search button to the right of Reconditioned, Aftermarket, Optional OEM, or Recycled. The corresponding database screen opens.
  7. Select the part, and then select OK.
  8. Compare the figures, and then click on the option in the Select column that corresponds to the part.
  9. Select Add to Estimate. The select part is added to the estimate lines.


Operations Toolbar

Screen Description

Estimate Line Properties - Comparison Tab Screen







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